KJV Bible Now: Audio+Verse
Latest Version1.4.9.1001
Publish Date07/23/2022
Requires Android6.0
Offered byBible Now Group
Features of KJV Bible Now: Audio+Verse
Customize Your Bible
Customize your Bible with private notes for easy access to specific verses. Personalizing your Bible software experience lets you create a unique Bible that suits your needs.
Daily Bible Verse With Notification
Our app selects daily chapters and verses based on your preferences and sends them automatically to you. Stay connected with God by reading His word daily.
Audio Bible
The KJV Bible includes audio recordings of the entire Bible, allowing you to listen and learn at any time, without having to read from a physical book.
Take notes while reading the Bible or during church services and attach them to specific verses for future reference. We are all students of the Word, so let's spread God's message together.
🤔 Using Audio Bible
Use the search function to find specific chapters and download corresponding audio content with just one click. This feature allows you to continue studying the Bible even without internet access.
😄 Test yourself!
The Bible Answers section contains numerous fill-in-the-blank and multiple-choice questions related to classical biblical content. Test your knowledge of the Bible and become a knowledgeable scholar. Show God your devotion and daily progress!
Pros & Cons
- Live a faithful life every day
- Quickly locating
- Free of charge
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